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Coconut milk and Effects on Weight and Metabolism

There’s some evidence that the MCT fats in coconut milk may benefit weight loss, body composition and metabolism. Lauric acid makes up about 50% of coconut oil. It can be classified as both a long-chain fatty acid or a medium-chain. As its chain length and metabolic

Why do people take acerola cherry?

Acerola is most well-known for being extremely rich in vitamin C. Because of this, it’s often used to help with or prevent colds or flu. It’s also used as an antioxidant nutrient together with vitamin C. Acerola may be take to boost immunity. Similar to witch

Benefits of lemon for skin.

Treating Acne : Since lemon contain alpha hydroxy acid. When applied to the skin, it helps remove dead skin cells and reduce clogged pores. It may also improve the appearance of acne scars. Applying lemon juice to the face has become an easy and widely used

What fruits are high in vitamin C?

In this article, we have selected 9 types of vitamin C-rich fruits. That are easy to find and inexpensive in Thailand to provide an idea for choosing fruits that are high in vitamin C menu. As follows: Orange When it comes to vitamin C, many

Things to know about eating iodine.

The amount of iodine in each food depends on the cultivation area and production method. Iodine can be found in natural ingredients such as seaweed,  cod, milk, shrimp, tuna, eggs, prunes or lima beans, or in commonly sold iodized salt . in different amounts each day as follows: To ensure that the

How to eat peaches for good health.

Eat peaches are fruits that can be eaten fresh, peeled first. Can be used to make a variety of savory or sweet dishes. Such as adding to salads or oatmeal dishes, making jam, desserts like pies or cool drinks. Some people may eat processed peaches that may

Start exercise right.

Preparing for the start of exercise is important. Because it will help the trainee to set a clear goal for the exercise. Always motivate yourself to exercise. It also correctly and has a positive effect on health. The trainer tried to start the exercise as follows: 1. Identify a

Benefits of eating breakfast.

Eating a healthy breakfast will help you start your day on the right foot. Studies have shown that eating breakfast reduces the risk of insufficient nutritional intake. Reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease. cerebrovascular disease, high cholesterol  and weighing more than the standard   It also helps to feel less