How to take care of yourself. When you have diabetes
How to take care of yourself. When you have diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to properly use the food that has been eaten. Normally, the food you eat is digested and converted into sugar in the stomach and intestines. Which sugar enters the bloodstream. And the blood will carry sugar into various cells in the body, but if the body produces little or no insulin at all. or inability to use insulin properly Sugar will be in the bloodstream. That means you. Report from สมัคร ufabet
“I wear an insulin pump, a continuous glucose monitor, do several finger-sticks a day, count carbohydrates,” said Bridget Kelly, a mother of two who was diagnosed in her 20s and now in her 40s. “Type 1 diabetes is like a second job that you can’t quit.”
People with Type 1 must work to keep their blood sugar in a normal range. High blood sugar over a long period of time can lead to devastating complications.
In the short term, blood sugars that are too high or too low can be deadly.
Also is a mother of two and was diagnose in second grade. No one else in her family has Type 1, and she remembers her parents being very upset with the diagnosis.
How to take care of yourself. When you have diabetes
1. Control starchy foods and desserts.
2. Exercise regularly
3. Control weight
4. Don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol.
5. Take medicine and insulin to treat according to the treatment plan regularly.
6. Treat other diseases that are also found. High blood pressure Abnormal blood lipids including complications of the disease
7. See the doctor at regular appointments to evaluate. Adjust the treatment plan accordingly.
8. Check your blood sugar to evaluate your control at home.
9. Take care of your own health, including general health and foot health.
10. Learn about diabetes. And general self-care and in special situations, such as when sick. When traveling, or at a party
11. Get enough sleep.